Hey There! Its summer break! All the school age kids are home full time, the sun is shining and its finally hot enough for us to complain about how hot it is! Things couldn"t be better, right? Well, if we can be really honest here for a minute, summer break can be stressful. Especially if you have 2 or more kids. With that in mind, I had to find a way to keep summer enjoyable for them and less stressful for me. Well its been summer break for about a month now and I must say, this has been the easiest summer I've had since becoming a SAHM. What's the biggest difference between the school year and summer break? Routine. During the school year the days are planned- wake up, morning routine, school, come home, after school routine, dinner, evening routine and then bed- repeat. Now you're probably thinking "I hate doing the same things over and over, why the f would my child want to do that?!". I promise I'm not a fun sucking monster, ruinin...
Adventures and rambles in motherhood, crafting and other stuff.